7msports > Water sports Video > Olympic swimmer Ledecky throws ceremonial first pitch
Olympic swimmer Katie Ledecky threw out the ceremonial first pitch before the Washington Nationals faced the Baltimore Orioles on Wednesday (24 August) at Nationals Park.
Olympic swimmer Katie Ledecky threw the ceremonial first pitch - before the Washington Nationals faced the Baltimore Orioles at Nationals Park on Wednesday.
Ledecky, who won four gold medals and one silver at the Rio Olympics, was happy to momentarily share her medals with Washington Nationals outfielder Bryce Harper before throwing the first pitch.
And Ledecky reflected on her recent Olympic glory:
SOUNDBITE (English): Katie Ledecky, U.S. Olympic Swimmer (On if her her accomplishments in Rio have sunken in yet)
"Slowly but surely and I expected it'll sink in as we move forward the next couple of weeks. And once I get back in the pool and start working towards my next goals, I know you kind of just have to put everything you've done behind you and start working towards the next thing."
The 19 year-old, who will start at Stanford College this year, will no doubt already be casting an eye towards Tokyo 2020.
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Olympic swimmer Ledecky throws ceremonial first pitch
Friday, August 26 2016Category:Water sports