7msports > Athletics Video > Pound: "It is disappointing"
Former WADA president, Dick Pound, Geneva, Switzerland
SOUNDBITE (English) Dick Pound, Commission Chairman and former WADA President:
"We have reported on interference with the doping controls, on many occasions, not just in the past but up to and including the middle of this year, well after it was known that this investigation is underway. We've found cover ups, we found destruction of samples in the laboratories, we found payments of money in order to conceal doping tests."
SOUNDBITE (English) Dick Pound, Commission Chairman and former WADA President:
"It is disappointing to see the nature and the extent of what was going on and to reach the conclusion that it could not possibly happen without everybody knowing about it or consenting to it, so... it's worst than we thought; it has the effect of like other forms of corruption and actually affecting the results on the field of play. Athletes both in Russia and abroad are suffering as a result of that, so the opportunity to acknowledge that it exists and it may be a residue of the old, Soviet Union system."
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Pound: "It is disappointing"
Tuesday, November 10 2015Category:Athletics