7msports > Athletics Video > Pound hopes Russia will seize opportunity
In a devastatingly critical report, a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) panel accused the Russian government of complicity in widespread doping and cover-ups by its track and field athletes - and said they should all be banned from competition until the country cleans up its act
SOUNDBITE (English) Dick Pound, commission chairman and former WADA president:
"It's our hope that the parties affected by the recommendations will accept them in the spirit in which they're made, including WADA itself. And a special word, if I may, regarding the Russian Federation, since Russia is the particular country involved in the matters investigated by the commission, I think it's appropriate to say that the commission organised a special meeting with the Russian Minister of Sport, Vitaly Mutko, and in the course of that meeting, he invited the commission to make recommendations that would enable him to ensure that Russia contributed to doping-free sport. As an important sport country, we indicated that we would try to frame recommendations that would enabled him to do that. But we advised the ministry in advance that he would not likely be pleased with many of the findings made in the course of our investigation. And those he's going to have to live with. What we hope is that Russia will seize the opportunity to move forward and to take a lead in attacking a problem that has the potential to destroy sport (audio fades, camera pulls out)."
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Pound hopes Russia will seize opportunity
Tuesday, November 10 2015Category:Athletics