7msports > Athletics Video > Reeva Steenkamp's mother: I don't want revenge
The mother of Reeva Steenkamp, who was shot dead by Oscar Pistorius in 2013, speaks to pupils at her daughter's former school about her feelings towards Pistorius after his release from prison this week.
SOUNDBITE (English) June Steenkamp, mother of Reeva SteenkampTE (English) June Steenkamp, mother of Reeva Steenkamp:
"I don't think that I should actually discuss what I would say to him, but I've got no feelings of revenge. I don't want to hurt him, he is already a disabled person. I did not want him to be thrown into jail and be suffering, because I don't wish suffering on anyone, and that's not going to bring Reeva back, but in my heart I don't want revenge towards him. I am past that. Once you've told God that you forgive, you have to forgive, and I don't want him to suffer, because then I will be like other people. I don't want to be like other people, I've got my own ideas, you don't get revenge, you don't want revenge, and I would certainly not want to hurt another human being.
"And this is where you get your answers. I would have never - without my faith - I would never have got through this terrible thing that gives me pains in my heart and my soul every day. So you've got to have support from your family, but you've got to give yourself also to your family, and make them able to go to them what ever is wrong and I think that's a very, very important skill that you can learn."
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Reeva Steenkamp's mother: I don't want revenge
Thursday, October 22 2015Category:Athletics