7msports > Athletics Video > Pistorius release date set
SOUNDBITE: (English) Manelisi Wolela, Department of Correctional Services
"The correctional supervision and parole board of Kgosi Mamphuru today met in Pretoria and they have decided to place Oscar Pistorius on correctional supervision with effect from the 20th of October 2015 and that is going to continue until he completes his sentence on the 20th of October 2019."
A parole board at the prison where Pistorius has served nearly a year of his five-year sentence for manslaughter made the decision.
SOUNDBITE: (English) Manelisi Wolela, Department of Correctional Services
"They have included the two conditions that were raised by the parole review board that he should continue with psychotherapy and that in addition to that he should be regulated in terms of the Section 103 of the Firearms Control Act, which prohibits the handling of guns given the facts that he was convicted of mishandling that."
The decision came after an initial ruling to him in August was canceled at the last minute after intervention by the justice minister.
Pistorius was acquitted of murder last year for the shooting death of Reeva Steenkamp, but prosecutors have appealed that trial verdict and will seek a murder conviction again at South Africa's Supreme Court on November 3rd.
He'll be moved and placed under house-arrest next week
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Pistorius release date set
Friday, October 16 2015Category:Athletics